How Bank Loans or Facilities Services Can Support the Growth of Your Business?
Availability of finance is critical to the growth of any business, especially traders engaged in big projects or international trade or manufacturing companies. Businesses that struggle to obtain adequate finance for big trade deals avail of corporate finance services in Dubai as it’s often tough to get direct finance from banks. Corporate finance service providers in Dubai support the business growth of traders by helping them obtain an adequate level of liquidity.
In this article, we talk about why corporate finance providers are critical for traders and the benefits of using their services. Read ahead to know further.
Why Corporate Finance Services Are Critical to Traders?
Businesses that rely heavily upon the global supply chain need a good level of liquidity to meet their requirements. Unfortunately, it is not easy for such businesses to obtain adequate liquidity. Most of their business capital may be tied up in their inventory or locked up in a long chain of unpaid invoices. The recent pandemic has also contributed immensely to the cash woes of companies that depend on the global supply chain.
Businesses engaging in global supply chains find it tough to secure traditional modes of financing. Sometimes, the cash they raise through traditional financing may not even be adequate to meet the pressing needs of traders who are in the import-export business. This is where corporate finance firms in Dubai come into the picture. Corporate finance solutions in Dubai help the traders raise a desired level of cash by offering them a diverse range of facilities. In this way, corporate finance providers in Dubai serve as a catalyst for business growth.
Benefits of Availing Corporate Finance Services in Dubai
Corporate finance is an important form of funding for all types of businesses, from corporate groups to SMEs. Corporate finance facilities are equally beneficial to a SMEs importing raw materials from abroad and large corporations exporting and importing huge stocks of inventory. The ultimate goal of every business is to get the money as quickly as possible without having to bother about potential troubles such as currency fluctuations and cash flow imbalances. Corporate finance services in Dubai are critical for businesses to achieve this goal. The following are the key benefits offered by corporate finance providers in Dubai:
Bridge the Working Capital Gap
Corporate finance options aid the growth of businesses, irrespective of the capital the business owners have at hand. They can meet the short-term capital demand by paying the suppliers quickly by using a wide range of corporate finance solutions.
Enjoy Flexible Financing
Corporate finance solutions provide the traders with cash flow flexibility that can be utilised to top up financing. The cash can be used as your main funding source or to supplement traditional financing options.
Safeguard Against Fluctuating Currencies
Fluctuating currency exchange rates are the biggest hurdle traders have to face while engaging in international trade deals. Currency rates can plunge or surge overnight. When currency rates fluctuate, the payment will vary from the amount previously agreed upon. Corporate finance facilities set the exchange rate for the transactions upfront to protect the relevant parties from paying more or being paid less than anticipated.
Facilitate Cross-Border Trade
International trade involves too many risks which may put the traders in a fix. Availing corporate finance services will help you to ensure that cross-border transactions are carried out with ease. It will also make the trade much safer, assuring the importer that the delivery of goods will take place as per the terms and conditions previously agreed upon. Corporate finance facilities guarantee prompt payment to the exporter for dispatching the goods.
Benefits from Making Early Payments
Importers always wish to have ready cash available to pay their supplier. Having ready cash will help them to leverage the early settlement discounts the supplier may offer. However, most importers may not have ready cash available with them, especially the SMEs. By availing of corporate finance services in Dubai, traders can enjoy an extended period to repay the financier apart from being able to get discounts on products and services that they purchase.
What are the Major Corporate Finance Facilities?
You have now learnt about the benefits of accessing corporate finance services in Dubai. You should also remember that corporate finance is an umbrella term that comprises a diverse range of finance solutions. You should choose a facility depending on the specific requirement your business has. The following are some of the major facilities offered by corporate finance providers in Dubai:
- Letters of credit
- Invoice discounting
- Cheque discounting
- Project financing
- Bank guarantee
- Bank Overdraft
- Trust Receipt
Consult with the Best Corporate Finance Providers in Dubai
Corporate finance providers in Dubai such as Jitendra Chartered Accountants (JCA) support the growth of businesses by taking care of their financial requirements. JCA’s bespoke corporate finance services in Dubai ensure that traders get adequate funding to pay their suppliers while engaging in international trade. JCA is one of the leading corporate finance companies in Dubai offering a wide range of facilities that save the traders from the risks involved in cross-border trade such as currency fluctuations, delayed payments, working capital gap etc. Consult with us to avail the best corporate finance facilities.