
ESR Test Compliance

Entities in the UAE generating income from any Relevant Activity outlined in the Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) must meet the Economic Substance Test. Companies must meet the Economic Substance Test to demonstrate they have adequate substance in the UAE relating to the Relevant Activities provided under the ESR.

UAE companies need to conduct an assessment to determine the gaps in their existing substance and the substance required to meet the Economic Substance Test. Jitendra Chartered Accountants (JCA) has a team of ESR consultants who can help UAE companies meet the Economic Substance Test.

Key Principles of Economic Substance Test

We can provide you with a robust ESR strategy to meet the Economic Substance Test and demonstrate adequate substance in the UAE. The following are the key principles:

Core Income Generating Activity (CIGA) Test

  • Carry out core activities in the UAE.
  • Outsourcing of CIGA is permitted under certain conditions.

Directed and Managed Test

Businesses need to be directed and managed in the UAE by

  • Conducting board meetings in the UAE with the minutes
  • Having a UAE-based manager and/or directors etc.

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    Adequacy Test

    Businesses in the UAE need to have:

    • Adequate number of qualified employees
    • Annual operating expenditures in the UAE

    Consequences of Not Meeting the ESR Test

    Failing to fulfil the Economic Substance Test may push the UAE businesses into dire consequences such as:

    • Penalties up to AED 400,000
    • Risk of trade license suspension/withdrawal or non-renewal
    • Authority will deem the company lacks substance, leading to adverse tax impact

    Risk Mitigation Plan to Avoid ESR Test Failure

    Our ESR consultants can work with companies in the UAE to develop a strategy to meet the Economic Substance Test. The below strategy can help you mitigate the risk of ESR Test failure in the UAE:

    • Ensure the core income-generating activities are conducted in the UAE
    • Carry out adequate board meetings in the UAE and document the minutes of the meeting (in writing)
    • Appoint directors have the necessary skills and expertise to make strategic decisions related to the Relevant Activity
    • Ensure the directors are physically present in the UAE
    • Ensure the company has an adequate number of qualified employees, premises, and operating expenditure in the UAE with respect to the Relevant Activity
    • Ensure the company has adequate “supervision and control” in case of outsourcing arrangements. (The outsourced CIGA must be conducted in the UAE)

    JCA’s Role in Assistance for Economic Substance Test

    We have highly experienced ESR advisers who can assist our UAE clients in meeting the Test. Our Economic Substance Test Services in the UAE include:

    • Performing a GAP analysis to identify the gaps between your company’s current substance and the required level of substance
    • Suggest remedial measures and actions to ensure you have fulfilled the Economic Substance Test and are complying with the ESR requirements
    • We can advise our clients on how to document the Relevant Activities that are being “directed and managed” from the UAE
    • Our ESR specialists can advise the UAE businesses on the appropriate level of adequacy that needs to be maintained in the form of management and in the form of operational activities

    Why should UAE Businesses Hire Our ESR Services

    • JCA has over two decades of experience in the financial advisory industry
    • Our ESR consultants are well-versed in UAE ESR laws and regulations
    • We have practical experience in helping clients meet ESR Tests and avoid fines
    • JCA has a customer-first approach
    What are the Relevant Activities?

    The Relevant Activities under ESR are:

    • Banking Business
    • Insurance Business
    • Investment Fund Management Business
    • Lease – Finance Business
    • Headquarters Business
    • Shipping Business
    • Holding Company Business
    • Intellectual property Business (“IP”)
    • Distribution and Service Center Business
    Why did the government of UAE enforce ESR regulations?

    The ESR regulations in the UAE were introduced to comply with the standards set by the OECD for the prevention of harmful and illegal tax practices.
