If a company stops providing taxable supplies or shuts down its operations completely, it must apply VAT de-registration in UAE. Many tax registrants forget to apply for Cancel VAT registration Dubai after announcing liquidation or ceasing to make taxable supplies. Not conducting FTA VAT deregistration violates UAE VAT Law and will make you liable for hefty penalties.
A tax agent registered with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) can save you from severe tax penalties by providing Dubai’s best VAT deregistration services. Jitendra Chartered Accountants is one of the leading tax agents in the UAE that can offer you deregistration services under its flagship brand Jitendra Chartered Accountants.
Jitendra Chartered Accountants team of highly qualified VAT consultants in Dubai is here to help you address and resolve all your VAT deregistration challenges. Our dedicated tax professionals can help our clients determine whether they are required to cancel VAT registration Dubai, prepare the application, and navigate the process smoothly.
Deregistering for VAT
VAT deregistration is critical for businesses to ensure VAT compliance in the UAE. By deregistering, tax registrants can cancel their VAT registration and suspend the Tax Registration Number (TRN). Entities that have deregistered for VAT are no longer required to make VAT payments in the UAE.
What is VAT Deregistration?
VAT deregistration involves registered businesses terminating their VAT registration. When a taxable entity ceases operations or no longer requires VAT registration, the deregistration process becomes necessary. Taxable businesses must apply for VAT deregistration, and upon approval of the request and submission of all necessary documentation, the FTA will cancel the registration.
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Who Needs UAE VAT Deregistration?
Businesses must apply for VAT deregistration under three circumstances. Tax registrants must deregister for VAT if:
Compulsory De-registration
- They stop trading or wind up their operations.
- The taxable supplies and imports have fallen below the voluntary VAT registration threshold of AED 187,500 in the last 12 months.
Voluntary Deregistration
- Their taxable supplies and imports have fallen below the mandatory VAT registration threshold of AED 375,000 in the last 12 months but more than the voluntary VAT registration threshold of AED 187,500.
Jitendra Chartered Accountants VAT Deregistration Services in Dubai
JCA tax experts in Dubai can support you to meet all the requirements set by the FTA. Our VAT deregistration services in the UAE include:
- Assessing eligibility for VAT deregistration
- Prepare and review VAT deregistration documentation
- Submit VAT deregistration application to EmaraTax platform
- File final VAT return to the FTA
- Help to settle outstanding liabilities
- Submit refund application
- Managing communications with the FTA
- Providing support in case of audits or inquiries
VAT Deregistration Deadlines in the UAE
UAE tax registrants must submit the VAT deregistration application to the FTA within 20 business days of being qualified for deregistration. Being one of the leading tax agents in the UAE, we can help you submit the application within the deadline.
VAT Deregistration Penalties in the UAE
Not keeping up with the deadline will incur a hefty VAT Deregistration fine of AED 1,000 per month and a maximum of up to AED 10,000. The best way to avoid VAT administrative penalties in the UAE is to seek the advice of tax consultants such as Jitendra Chartered Accountants.
VAT Deregistration Process
Submitting VAT Deregistration application on the EmaraTax Portal
- Submit pending VAT Refund requests and pay any outstanding liabilities.
- On submission, acknowledgment is being received.
- FTA may ask for additional information including Trial Balance, Invoices, Contracts, etc.
- Upon submission of the above, the FTA will review and change the status to “Pre-Approval”
- After pre-approval FTA, will provide the period for which the Final VAT Return needs to be submitted.
- After submission of the final VAT Return, the FTA will confirm “Not to use TRN” any further.
- At the final stage, FTA will issue a deregistration certificate
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Does the FTA issue a deregistration certificate?
Once approved by the FTA, you can download the UAE VAT Deregistration Certificate from the e-Services account dashboard on the EmaraTax website. VAT Deregistration Certificate in the UAE can be used as the proof of proof of deregistration.
2. When is the final tax return due?
The taxpayers should submit the final UAE VAT return no later than 28 days from the date as specifically communicated by the FTA before pre-approval of de-registration.
3. When should I settle the payable tax in the UAE?
The payable tax should be settled no later than 28 days from the effective date of deregistration.
4. How much time is taken for de-registration?
The VAT De-registration normally takes more than 6 months.