
Sales/Turnover Certificate in the UAE

The best audit firms in Dubai such as Jitendra Chartered Accountants (JCA) assist businesses in preparing robust sales/turnover certificates which are required by the mall management. A turnover certificate in the UAE certifies the turnover of your company based on your business needs.

We are experts in providing the best turnover certificate services in Dubai. Our auditors in Dubai can prepare the sales certificates based on your business requirements.

What is a Turnover Certificate?

A turnover or sales certificate in the UAE is a statement that assures you of the turnover generated by an entity during a specific period which is required by the management under the rental contract. A turnover certificate certifies the total turnover of your company.

Certified auditors in the UAE such as JCA issue sales or turnover certificates. Depending on the organization’s needs, auditors can certify the turnover of one or more years or as per the mall management requirements. The turnover certificate will be issued in the name of the applicant representing the company.

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    Contents of Turnover Certificate

    The content of a sales certificate in the UAE is determined based on the purpose for which you require the certificate. A typical turnover certificate in the UAE carries information such as:

    • The company’s name and details
    • Company registration details
    • The period for which the turnover needs to be certified
    • Purpose for producing the certificate
    • Documents to support the turnover
    • Any other relevant information

    How JCA can Help you Get a Turnover Certificate in Dubai?

    Getting a sales certificate in Dubai involves some simple steps. Audit firms in Dubai such as JCA can help you get a turnover certificate through the following steps:

    • Gather the documents from the client including POS statements
    • Our auditors in Dubai verify the documents
    • Verification with the VAT Returns
    • A draft copy of the turnover certificate is issued
    • Our auditors in the UAE issue the final certified copy once the draft is approved

    The Purpose of Obtaining a Turnover Certificate in Dubai

    Anyone who needs assurance on the turnover of a company might require a turnover/sales certificate in Dubai. The following are some of the common circumstances that require a turnover certificate:

    • Mall management as part of the Rental Contract
    • To take part in tenders issued by companies, local authorities etc.
    • Banks and financial institutions will demand a turnover certificate in Dubai to approve loans
    • Investors may demand a sales certificate while funding an existing or new project/business

    Why Hire JCA for Certifying Turnover Certificates in UAE?

    • We have a team of highly qualified Chartered Accountants in the UAE
    • We are experienced in providing robust sales certificates in the UAE
    • Our clients for turnover certificates span different sectors and industries
    • JCA follows the highest professional standards and ethical practices
    • We are the best audit firm in Dubai recognized by banks, free zones and the government
    • JCA has more than two decades of experience in auditing and accounting
    • We follow a customer-first approach


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Who can certify turnover certificates in the UAE?

    Only a certified auditor in the UAE can issue sales or turnover certificates

    What is the turnover of a company?

    Turnover is an important financial metric that constitutes the total revenue generated from the sale of goods or services in a specific period
